Monday, October 11, 2010

Fourth, pay attention to training children to learn piano interested in a bit late philosopher once said

Fourth, pay attention to training children to learn piano interested in a bit late philosopher once said: . interested in the performance of the enthusiasm and initiative, interested in personal love to give priority attention to things and have always aspired mood. the former Soviet Union music educator Kabalevsky that the primary problem is that music education how to make kids interested in music. love the piano, so they like the piano teacher, like the piano's environment. piano teacher with the child should be pleasant, always with a friendly smile, use humor to disperse children the language of the tension, to become the child's close necessary to use Christian Louboutin vivid language to explain knowledge of music and children playing methods. such as the treble clef is called the noted that a good atmosphere and parents piano piano a correct understanding of attitude is important for children to learn piano psychological basis. children in a good environment to have interest in the piano. in fact the children born to the piano very little interest , therefore, nurture a very important psychological basis. Children can be in a good environment are interested in the piano. actually interested in children born to the piano very small. So nurture is very important. Parents can take advantage of all the children kinds of psychological needs as much as possible to make the piano activities brings them satisfaction, stimulate their interest.

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