Monday, October 11, 2010

Students in the learning process in many places do not meet the work requirements

Students in the learning process in many places do not meet the work requirements, most of which is reflected In the audio area. such as the singing of the melody were not moving bomb, this is inappropriate because the touch keys; not grasp the singing of touch keys, or melody in unnecessary stress, damaged melodic lines; or some tune ups and downs of the lack of lines and weak sense. Also some students are not running your fingers flexible and wrist in force; sound does not uniformity, the lack of flexibility. This requires teachers to lead students to locate the crux of the problem, through various efforts, a variety of touch keys and the touch of speed, the application of wrist Moncler and finger control shelf, plus his keen sense of hearing, sought to reproduce musical works of the required image.
Secondly, in the rhythm, the teachers should help students master. such as: 1, speed inappropriate. One is completely inappropriate speed, speed of displacement, then the music image or feeling is completely different, does not meet the requirements of music. The other is the fast and slow basis point is right, but did not grasp the sense of propriety or capacity has not yet reached, then the results would be affected. 2, rhythm and rhythm is not inconsistent even in a work, some students unconsciously, unknowingly which certain paragraphs of the unsteadiness of bounce, this is not good, can not meet the work requirements. The reasons are: a feeling of lack of rhythm, some technical The major reason;

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