Friday, October 15, 2010

Therefore, how to improve the sale of wine has been a restaurant and bar owners to work together

Therefore, how to improve the sale of wine has been a restaurant and bar owners to work together. Recently, several researchers in France by observational study in France found the bar to raise the music volume bar, can increase the sale of beer. if their research can be confirmed, then the future we will certainly hear the deafening noise of the bar. .their study this. They used three Saturday nights visiting two bars, right bar 40 to 25 years old 18 years old young people carried out a detailed observation Herve Leger of follow-up study. In the bar owner's permission by, they intend De adjust the volume bar in the music, and we can observe that 40 of young people drinking habits. Of course, being observed in those young people do not know it was observed in the dark themselves. .observations show that the higher the volume, people drink the faster the beer, and beer sales also increased. On average, if the increase in volume, the consumption per person will increase from 2.6 to 3.4 bottles of bottles, and drink a bottle of beer, the average time required from 14.51 points down 11.45 points, increased by nearly 25%. .course, there are two problems.

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