Monday, September 20, 2010

another repair method

another repair method: the double eyelid line is not obvious, the need to re-surgery . some obvious double eyelid line who, on the use of continuous suture method and suture ligation of the pressure pad just was not obvious part of the re-embedding or re-interrupted continuous suture ligation pressure pad can be; that some of the double eyelid with incision line is not obvious, herve leger you can also use part of the embedding method, pressure pad ligation suture repair. were not obvious double eyelid line, but also the choice of surgical procedure is in line with my eye condition. Generally speaking, thinner eyelids, and epicanthus young people less, you can use pressure pad embedding or suture ligation repair. If the embedding method used by patients who pressure pad or suture ligation appears obvious double eyelid line, while the subject is swollen upper eyelid herve leger dress surgery or who have severe epicanthus or apparent relaxation of upper eyelid skin, shall use incision repair. by cutting Repairing the open, they should pay attention with live tarsal or Meibomian fascia, trim epicanthus, remove the excess loose skin of upper eyelid, double eyelid line that will be obvious.
double eyelid too broad, too narrow or too broad asymmetric double eyelid there, too
narrow or asymmetric mainly because the design was the wrong double eyelid line. double eyelid line design in ~ mm width, or the removal of loose skin of upper eyelid too, often make double eyelid too wide herve leger bandage dress except for special requirements of individual actors; double eyelid line design in mm below the recent double eyelid line is still the natural beauty, but after double eyelid line after months will become too narrow, The problem of Preoperative design lines painted around asymmetric often with a ruler and sub-rules are not measuring and drawing lines; around the middle of the eyelid skin surgery in tarsal fixed height varies;

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