Monday, September 27, 2010

Sequential blooming

sequential blooming. as Love in old, fragile as stem slim, and faded cornflowers. One summer. I am in the third. into the classroom every day will feel filled the air of the cloudy air herve leger impurities, and diffuse in the surrounding pressure in each student rush. his hand holding a a a, and gently wiped with a finger, cut a strip of warm slide. are all engraved with Love traces. violaceum you can imagine a butterfly wings in the heart of the city into cheap Mody ? Can you imagine a plain silk falling into ditch in the dark dirty sludge What?I knew I would own the most beautiful Love buried there. silently compromise. no choice. RIN. This herve leger dress is the LEN of the seat. GUMI knock wood table before the table, every touch would bring a throb. look at her beautiful clear face, that thin lips one of a, Bise hair in the sun's irradiation with Cun Cun high reflection of light, like the last bunch beam for Love. chuckle, mouth evoke ironic point of view. squinting, looking at the sun in sow the piece of the spot on the blackboard, slowly spit. ah. I know of. wrong moment stunned. her to sip the Minzui shallow, avoid rather than words. turned and left the back of a youth. tall and straight, fragile. GUMI. you know what? We can not go back ... ... tear-like , and sprinkle salt like heartache. long. This is math class at a time when most intoxication For Shen. turbidity. an individual and a half eyes narrowed, one-handed Tuosai, hands playing with herve leger bandage dress the pencil, paddling in the rough paper on the calculus. no air conditioning in the classroom like a steamer, steam in a hot sweat turned into the narrow space in difficult scattered and diffuse.

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