Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Everest since the last time after the incident

Everest since the last time after the incident, the scientists found that the original so great human potential, because that Everest incident, herve leger bandage dress by 10 terminally ill people, 10

percent of people with disabilities, as well as 10 percent of the mentally handicapped . many cancer patients (female) in order to see my side, have been claiming for over ten

years, also became the anti- Cancer star. Some people with disabilities (female) ever since to see me, they get rid of the accompanying decades of crutches and wheelchairs, a

few hundred meters further Crack a number of world records. desperation, World War III broke out, men in order to maintain their dignity, to use the atomic bomb . After the

blast, the world I am the only one alive, because I was the protection of anti-nuclear area, I went away, the earth a barren, everywhere is war Guohou of desolation and ruin .

suddenly, I found on the ground have biological!!!! It was a cockroach!!! strong vitality of cockroaches, beyond everyone's expectations, herve leger dress I looked around, the original in my

feet , is a cockroach!!! all mothers!!! coastline on the other, eyeing all public cockroaches!!! Who would the Earth's fourth world war, even in between cockroaches.
Postscript: I'm dead I am thousands of years after the birth of mankind, they will restore my bones, buried in the Arctic, in my herve leger tombstone over the year-round floating in a

cloud, changes to changes to only one word : Shuai .. Party needs me handsome, handsome I can not do?
mountains edge, Heaven and, dare not handsome.

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