Monday, September 27, 2010

It is a new world

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the air around the still muddy moncler jackets unbearable, or blank questions, or GUMI Fenbi illness back of the book. blackboard which white Fen Bizi, I stare into the eye sour. liquid filled in the role of physical protection in the eyes. mind like a broken kite string lopsided . touched the wounds of a Tolerance, snapped back. tear like pain. when one begins when nostalgia. to explain he was old. Yes. I began to nostalgia . II when our mortal and a case of White's? What age can only delineate contours. memory covered with ivy. are corrupt swing squeak years moaned. crayons scattered alone, lying on the concrete floor, no one picked them, copy the water, blue sky. there who often send their old candy, hand moncler sale the friction with the thread of warm hands. My mother always talked about love story of the Three Little Pigs. father often pointed to the sky to teach us to acknowledge the lingering Gemini.

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